Crown Prince Reza on importance of “Checks and Balances” of future regime

Every monarchy is a product of the culture and political traditions of a specific nation and peoples. If a monarch acts within the limits set by his or her culture, the monarch increases his or her legitimacy and power. If he or she chooses to disregard the customs and traditions of the nation, that same legitimacy is squandered and may result in the replacement and even the disestablishment of the monarchy as an institution. While the details differ from country to country a monarch is effectively checked by the threat of loss of power position and esteem.

By custom a constitutional monarch reigns but does not rule. Political power is vested in Parliament.

(SPECIAL NOTE TO VIEWERS: Watch All Videos in Order of Appearance)

RP2 at the Constitutionalist Conference in Washington speaks on the importance of CHECKS & BALANCES of the Future Iranian State Apparatus (Washington DC November 22 2008):

The Crown Prince Interviewed by Fellow Compatriots and foreign correspondents after the Conference:

Part I:

Part II ( Same But From Different Angle):







What arethe Checks and Balances of a Monarchy ?

Parliament and Government: An overview :

In the UK The Monarch ( Currently a Queen) and the Prime Minister:

An insight into the relationship between past and present Prime Ministers and The Queen, with footage kindly donated from the BBC’s ‘The Queen at 80’.

Every monarchy is a product of the the culture and political traditions of a specific nation and peoples. If a monarch acts within the limits set by his or herculture, the monarch increases his or her legitimacy and power. If he or she chooses to disregard the the customs and traditions of the nation, that samelegitimacy is squandered and may in result in replacement and even the disestablishment of the monarchy as an institution. While the details differ from country to country a monarch is effectively checked by the threat of lossof power position and esteem.

Bycustom the British monarch reigns but does not rule. Political power is vested in Parliament and the monarch’s power lies primarily with the great respect the British peoples hold for the monarch. For instance the British monarch theoretically has the power to veto legislation, but it is generally agreed that this power would be rescinded should it ever be exercised.

The Spanish monarch by contrast is a constitutional monarch who rules under a constitution ratified by the Spanish people in the late 1970’s. As with most of the rest of the modern western world the legitimacy of any government lies inthe consent of the governed to be governed.

One constitutional monarchy which has effectively tended and grown the legitimacy of their position are the Princes of Liechtenstein. In 2003 thePrincely house of Liechtenstein was actually increased by constitutional reform.

Until Recently The monarchs of Morocco and Jordan both claimed and to a great extent exercised absolute power. Yet Even these monarchs are effectively checked by cultural/religious expectations and the spread of western style ideas of legitimacy.

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