After Writing Letter Detailing Torture and Abuse, Abdollah Momeni Denied Basic Prisoner Rights

In an interview with the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, activist Abdollah Momeni’s wife, Fatemeh Adinehvand, expressed concern about Momeni’s physical condition. “Mr. Momeni suffers from backache and has a heart condition. Since last week, he has been transferred to the prison infirmary twice. He received painkiller injections twice in order to relieve his back pain. He needs treatment outside the prison, but prison officials do not pay any attention to our requests for granting him furlough,” Adinehvand said.

Abdollah Momeni, a former spokesperson for Daftar-e Tahkim-e Vahdat (Office to Foster Unity) student organization, was arrested following the 2009 presidential election. He is currently serving his prison sentence of four years and 11 months inside Ward 350 of Evin Prison in Tehran.

“Unfortunately after he wrote a letter about being tortured during his interrogations, he has even been deprived from in-person visits with his children and has not been granted furlough to seek treatment for his illnesses. The physician at Evin Prison said several times that Momeni needs treatment outside the prison for his illnesses, especially for his heart condition, but they have not granted it so far. I have, therefore, abandoned submitting requests for leave. Mr. Momeni is… >>>

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