Iranian Researcher Finds Novel Method to Produce Graphene Paper

The graphene paper has very specific mechanical properties and it can be used in automobile and aeroplane manufacturing industries.

Alireza Ranjbar, MSc in mechanical engineering from Kashan University, studies at University of Technology, Sydney, at present.

He and his research team milled graphite and then they produced thin graphene papers by creating a deformation in graphite after purification and filtration processes.

Graphene paper is a material which is obtained from the processing, deforming, and changing in the state of its raw material, graphite.

They produced a very tough, hard, and bendable material through a synthetic method and thermal process. Graphene is six times lighter than steel but twice harder. Also, its tensile strength is 10 times higher, its density is six times lower, and its resistance against bending is 13 times bigger than those of steel.


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