Women’s rights activist missing in Iran

An Iranian photojournalist and women’s rights activist who campaigned for female football fans to be allowed to enter stadiums has disappeared.

Maryam Majd, 25, is feared to have been held by security officials before boarding a flight from Tehran to Düsseldorf, Germany, where she intended to cover the Fifa Women’s World Cup.

Petra Landers, a former German national footballer who had invited Majd to join her in a book project about women’s sport, said she has not heard from her since Friday when the photographer was scheduled to arrive in Düsseldorf.

“I waited for hours in the airport but eventually found that she was not on the plane at the first place,” Landers told the Guardian. “The last time I talked to her she was in the airport in Tehran waiting to board the plane and I have not been able to contact her nor her family since then.”

Majd specialised in sports photography, although her pictures of female athletes were usually censored in the official media.

Shadi Sadr, a prominent women’s rights campaigner living in exile in London, said: “We are almost sure that she has been arrested but the question is why authorities in Iran refuse to give any information about her after five days since her disappearance.”


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