Apple Removes Controversial Anti-Israel App from App Store

Last night, Apple removed the controversial “The Third Intifada” app from its App Store, just one week after it first went online. The free app provided news about forthcoming Palestinian protests as well as pinpointing other anti-Israel articles and information on the web. Some of the activities it highlighted demanded violence against Israel.

On Monday Yuli Edelstein, Israel’s Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs, sent a letter to Apple CEO Steve Jobs asking him to remove the App. “I believe Apple, as a pioneering and progressive company, places the values of liberty, freedom of expression and creativity as a guiding light,” Edelstein wrote. “Also, as a leader in its area, I am convinced that you are aware of this type of application’s ability to unite many toward an objective that could be disastrous.”

(PHOTOS: By Any Means Necessary: Armed Israeli Policeman Dons Veil, Goes Undercover as Palestinian Woman)

Edelstein’s letter also called attention to a Facebook page started by the same group three months ago, which (after he made a similar appeal) was removed by Facebook because of the violence and harmful activity it champion… >>>

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