Iran sticks by its nuclear plan

TEHRAN: Iran will never give into international demands in the dispute over the country’s nuclear programmes, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday.

‘I just tell them (world powers), ‘Do not waste any energy and do not make yourself tired, as eventually you have to take all your efforts for making us give in to any compromise to your graves’,’ Ahmadinejad said.

According to ISNA news agency, Ahmadinejad told Iranian business officials in a meeting in Tehran that no efforts by world powers could make him and his government back away from their nuclear path.

Iran has consistently rejected charges by world powers that Iran is working on developing atomic weapons and insists that its nuclear programmes are solely for peaceful purposes.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) earlier this month called on Iran to answer questions about various research and development projects which the Vienna-based nuclear watchdog organ says have little other uses than for military aims.

‘These claims are baseless as we do not pursue this aim (of making an atomic bomb),’ Ahmadinejad said.

‘The atomic bomb is something for cowards but Iran is a courageous country which does need an atomic bomb,’ the Iranian president added.

The previous round of nuclear talks between Iran and Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States was held in January in Istanbul but ended… >>>

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