Got email from Trita Parsi.
No, it wasn’t a reminder about the anniversary of the Student Demonstration which was brutally suppressed during the much-ballyhooed “reformist” masquerade of the Islamists’ rule in Iran.
Here is part of the alarming email:
“Sometime in August, Secretary Clinton will decide whether to keep the Mujahedin-e Khalq on the US’s terrorist list. This is a decision that will have significant implications for the Iranian-American community, the United States and the people of Iran.
… Delisting the Mujahedin would … threaten the free voices of the Iranian-American community in the US. …
Trita Parsi, PhD
Since Trita Parsi, the Lifetime President of the NIAC Lobby only sends emails and refuses to respond to the repeated requests for answers; here is one of the three questions which were posed:
US Constitution has withstood the test of time and many nasty characters, why would the dreaded “delisting” of the Mujahedin devils “threaten the free voices of the Iranian-American community in the US”?
In a bid to eliminate an equally unsavory lobbying competitor, this use of McCarthyish method by the NIAC Lobby is not going to work and will backfire.