What would you call the political turmoil of 1979?
In another article I reflected on these points:
It was only in 1977 that Iranians enjoyed being among the ten
wealthiest Nations of the World. According to American economists at
the time, Iran was on it’s way to becoming the 3rd largest economy in
the world in another 13 years as an industrial nation. Approximately
50,000 Students had both their University and Living expenses paid for
to study in the United States, approximately another 40,000 students
also had Free Private education and living expenses paid for in European
Countries. These numbers don’t include the money paid to students in
Iran to study in Iranian Universities. (in comparison to the rest of the
planet, iranians were experiencing a Utopia Moment).
It’s easy to see why so many people around the world were so impressed
at Irans accomplishments. Iran was the first country of ancient history
and traditions making it’s way into the new industrial world based on
it’s own culture. The Iranian government had even set aside a fraction
of it’s annual budget each year in order to provide free healthcare to
all it’s citizens by 1982/83. The thousands of schools, hospitals,
libraries government buildings being built were giving necessary
services to one of the worlds newest and largest (percentage wise)
middle classes.
When I was reading the definition of this word.
[tree-zuhn] –noun
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one’s government or to harm or kill its sovereign. 2. a violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or to one’s state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery. treason — n 1. violation or betrayal of the allegiance that a person owes his sovereign or his country, esp by attempting to overthrow the government; high treason 2. any treachery or betrayal
During the French Revolution we all know that the act lead to greater freedom for the french. So in that case we can say the people did not betray their country or leader as was the case in Iran.
It’s safe to say the Shah did not betray any iranian during his lifetime, but worked tirelessly for their freedom.
So maybe 1979 was not a revolution, but an act of Mass Treason?
The Mass Treason of 1979 sounds more fair/honest/accurate upon reflection no.. or does that not sit well with some people?