7 Signs War with Iran is Imminent

1.       Financial collapse in Western Europe. We’re reading about Greece, but it’s not Just Greed, its Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain …which countries have I missed? They are all teetering on near collapse. And Germany simply doesn’t have enough money to bail them all out. Solution? War.

2.       Need for massive inflation (to effectively write off debt) in US (and Western Europe). One thing about a War with Iran, probably the first reaction by Iran would be the closure of the Straits of Hormuz, with that essentially 40% of the world’s oil shipments would stop, and with that a huge spike in oil prices. That would then lead to massive inflation in the West. Perfect! No? Bread worth $2.99 today would become $29.99. US sovereign debt would stay at $14Trillion, meanwhile, with all this inflation, US GDP will rise from $15 Trillion to $140 Trillion.

3.       Need for massive government cash infusion to save the US economy. While all this inflationary pressure is going on, the US government will actually be able to pump money into the economy and start new industries and employment in support of the war. A perfect solution to the economic crisis.

4.       Reduction in oil imports. US is going through a lot of pain reducing its dependence on foreign oil, ethanol production is threatening water supplies, us poultry and meat industry with high feedstock prices …yet it’s a national priority. Imports by the way have dropped 25%, ethanol and biodiesel are now being produced to the tune of billions of gallons a year. If war wasn’t imminent and oil supplies from the Persian Gulf were not threatened why would US federal government put mainstay industries like Poultry and Meat and water supplies across the Midwest at risk? 

5.       India is being groomed as an anti-Iran ally. A Series of Bombings in India by radical Muslims is galvanizing popular support for a war against Muslims)

6.       Robert Baer Says so.   A seasoned, 21 year veteran of US intelligence says so. And he even details how the war is designed to Start.(Read the Article to the left of the Blog Column)

7.       Leon Panneta is the new Secretary of Defense, and David Petraeus is the new head of CIA.       Robert Gates retired, and in welcoming Panneta said “I have a feeling you’ll be secretary for a lot longer that you might imagine”. Now which President will change Defense Secretaries in the middle of a war? By the way, I actually think a war with Iran will boost Obama’s re-election prospects, but that is just me. 

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