Jordan protesters burn U.S. flag

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Hundreds of Jordanian protesters demanding democratic changes from their king burned an American flag Friday, denouncing what they called attempts by Washington to interfere in the reform movement.

About 300 protesters, mostly leftists and nationalists, chanted, “”America is the head of the snake,”” as the flag burned at the protest in the capital, Amman.

It was a rare burst of anti-U.S. sentiment in the pro-reform movement that has been holding rallies for months in Jordan, though at a smaller scale than the protests that shook Egypt, Tunisia and other Arab nations.

Protesters accused the United States of trying to co-opt their movement. They pointed to efforts by U.S. diplomats to meet and advise pro-democracy activists and to comments by Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton praising reform efforts by Jordan, whose king is a close ally of Washington.

“”We don’t need Washington’s help and we don’t take orders from you,”” said 28-year-old activist Mohannad Safiin.

“”These are our protests. Keep out of our business. For years, the U.S. government supported these same Arab regimes which have killed our own people,”” he said.

Marching past the Al-Husseini mosque in downtown Amman, they demanded the dismissal of Prime Ministe… >>>

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