Iranian-Americans Beware: Norwegian terrorist’s Ideology not too distant from US far right Tea Party

The Norwegian police charged a 32-year-old man on Saturday, who was identified by the Norwegian media as Anders Behring Breivik on charges related to bombing government building in central oslo, and a second shooting incident on an island 20 miles away – that resulted in over 90 deaths. Breivik has been identified as a “Christian fundamentalist with right-wing connections,” according to the Times, as well as with anti-Muslim views, according to multiple sources.

Religious views: According to the BBC, Breivik has a Facebook and Twitter account that he set up a mere few days ago on July 17, where he identifies himself as a Christian and a conservative. There are several reports of his anti-Muslim views. In a post in Norwegian in an online forum on December 2009, a user named Anders Behring Breivik claims there is not one country where Muslims have peacefully lived with non-Muslims, stating that instead it has had “catastrophic consequences” for non-Muslims.

Political views: The Daily Mail reports that National police chief Sveinung Sponheim told public broadcaster NRK that the suspected gunman’s internet postings “suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views, but if that was a motivation for the actual act remains to be seen.” Furthermore, the Norwegian daily Verdens Gang quoted a friend as saying Breivik became a rightwing extremist in his late 20s.Frank Mersland, a journalist with FVN TV, says Breivik has been linked to the anti-immigration Progress party.

He wrote to Guardian via email:The suspect, Anders Behring Breivik, has been tagged as a former member of the right winged political party Frp (Progress party). It’s the second largest political party in Norway and their main issues are lower taxes and a much stricter policy on immigration. The Frp-leader, Siv Jensen, verified his membership on Norwegian TV2 a little while ago.

A Norwegian analyst said : “I think this is in some ways, for Americans, reminiscent of both Oklahoma City and Virginia Tech (historic acts of terrorism carried out by homegrown attackers), and I think in a country like Norway, quite a shocking and horrific set of attacks”. I actually think Brevik’s ideology is not so distant from Tea Party (and Republican Party) leaders. Let’s see what Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachman have to say on similar topics:Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich’s commented during a recent GOP debate comparing Muslims to Nazis. Gingrich’s affinity for religious freedom and his belief in God-given rights it would seem, doesn’t extend to Americans who are Muslim. Such outright bigotry and blatant hypocrisy from Gingrich, an avid historian and former college professor, is even more repulsive when you consider his reasoning. Gingrich’s paranoia that “America is experiencing an Islamist cultural-political offensive designed to undermine and destroy our civilization,” one must delve deeply into the polarizing, overzealous and paranoid minds of professional Muslim-baiters and the politicians who depend on their support and cater to their illiberal demands.

There was a also a recent report by the Center for Security Policy titled “Shariah: The Threat to America,” authored by a team billing itself as “Team B II” (in reference to the 1970s Team B notorious for its alarmist and now-discredited estimates of Soviet military capabilities)Here are some of their policy recommendations (p. 143 of the report):“…extend bands currently in effect that bar members of hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan from holding positions of trust in federal, state, or local governments or the armed forces of the United States to those who espouse or support shariah.”“Practices that promote shariah – notably, shariah-compliant finance and the establishment or promotion in public spaces or with public funds of facilities and activities that give preferential treatment to shariah’s adherents – are incompatible with the Constitution and the freedoms it enshrines and must be proscribed.”“Sedition is prohibited by law in the United States. To the extent that imams and mosques are being used to advocate shariah in America, they are promoting seditious activity and should be warned that they will not be immune from prosecution.”“Immigrations of those who adhere to shariah must be precluded, as was previously done with adherents to the seditious ideology of communism.”This report was endorsed by Michele Bachman who also added on a recent campaign visit to Iowas, that  agrees with Republican Rep. Steve King, an immigration hard-line.

Bottom line, if you are an Iranian-American beware. The Republican Party is dead set at humiliating Obama, dragging the nation into fiscal bankruptcy, and emerging out of the economic chaos as the new party in charge. And this same party’s leadership endorse the views of Brevik.

If you don’t believe me, read this analysis from Rupert Murdoch’s Fox news, they have the audacity to blame Brevik actions, who is a right wing Christian, blond, blue eyed …wait for it …on Islam.

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