Lessons drawn from the blonde bomber


“Let us fight together with Israel, our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists…[we must assist] Israel in deporting all Muslim Syrians (also referred to as ‘Palestinians’) from the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem … demolish the abomination known as the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple of Solomon.”

Anders Breivik



Dozens of innocents were murdered by a terrorist act in Norway. But not all the casualties were human. Other casualties included some dangerous but commonly-held assumptions about terrorism.

Guesses about Islamist involvement came pouring in over the airwaves when news of the bombing broke. These were not seriously questioned by journalists but rather willfully accepted as fact. The bombing in Oslo, the experts said, featured “all the hallmarks” of an al Qaeda attack. Norway, we were told, was on al Qaeda’s hit list both because of its NATO involvement in Afghanistan, and because a Norwegian newspaper republished a controversial Islamophobic cartoon originally published in Denmark.

It turned out, of course, that the perpetrator was not an al Qaeda operative but rather a right-wing ethnic Norwegian terrorist who explicitly targeted what he termed “traitorous” European politicians that advocated less restrictive immigration policies. Breivik’s 1500+ page…

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