They’re coming, let’s boogie

The 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting at its headquarters in New York is right around the corner.

Just like the previous years, the Islamist Rapist Republic (IRR) delegation headed by their “president” will be feasting in New York with their stateside friends that include Islamists/rabid Anti-Semites and their likeminded lap poodles of lefty allies.

The Iranians in the menagerie are made up of those with love of IRR in their hearts, fortified with the hatred of the US which they have chosen to reside in.

While there are too many Iranians in captivity and under torture, the Islamist Rapists and their guests should be made to feel every bit as unwelcomed in New York as they are in Iran.

Of course, that is, if Iranian men, women and children were free to express their opinion without the fear of being taken to one of the Islamist rape centers, to be violated, maimed and quite possibly murdered.

This year another campaign is underway to make Islamist Rapists’ visit to the Big Apple as inconvenient as possible.Those who care to join the good cause might wish to look into it here.

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