After the Norway attacks, as after many others, Muslims were the first to be blamed.

The frightful mass murder in Norway on July 22, 2011 and the instant,
knee-jerk reaction of a number of leading European and American news
organisations – including the BBC, The Financial Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post
and a wide range of television and radio stations, website, blogs, etc.
– to assume and in fact globally to publicise their assumption that the
heinous crime was perpetrated by Muslim terrorists (before a single
fact was officially known or announced about the suspect or suspects)
has once again invoked the largely repressed memories of the Oklahoma
Bombing of 1995, in which yet another white, blonde, terrorist had gone
on a rampage murdering hundreds of people and injuring even more and
terrorising an entire nation – and when again the same racist
disposition went on a rampage accusing Muslims before the terrorist
turned out to be a blue-blooded, blonde, Christian fundamentalist,
American named Timothy James McVeigh. I still remember my Columbia
University “colleague” (a white, Anglo-Saxon male) who accosted me on
our campus on my way from my class to my office on that dreadful
Wednesday, April 19, 1995, telling me that a massive terrorist attack
had been perpetrated in Oklahoma and that “three Iranian suspects” had
been arrested in the airport in connection with …

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