“I had sufficient time for presenting my defense and Shane and Josh wrote a comprehensive and complete last defense. Mr. Salavati then announced the trial adjournment and announced that he would issue their ruling in seven days,” Massoud Shafiee told the Campaign about the trial session.
Massoud Shafiee, lawyer to the three Americans on trial in Tehran today, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal were present in court today and submitted their defense on the two charges of “illegal entry,” and “espionage;” the lawyer presented his defense for his clients; and the judge said that the court ruling will be announced in a week.
Asked about the best and worst case scenarios regarding the trial outcome, Massoud Shafiee said that according to Iranian laws, “‘espionage’ could have a sentence of one to ten years in prison and ‘illegal entry’ could have a punishment of one to three years in prison. If treated illogically, a total of maximum sentences of ten and three years, but such a thing will not happen. My guess is that if the Judge wants to treat it harshly, he will sentence them to a little more than two years, considering the fact that there is no reason for espionage or even illegal entry. God willing, they will be released. I believe they should be acquitted, but considering the two men have been in detention for two years, an acquittal would not make sense and more likely, there will be a … >>>