There is a difference between a spouse and a lover

There is a difference between a spouse and a lover
and no one can be both
oh … no never

When you are with your spouse
life is just paying the bills
it’s fighting over the kids
life is a promotion you get at work
by working late and caring no more

Life is the urge of feeding the ego
the only God that you’ve ever come to know

Life is this constant fighting
over who is right
it is I hate you and I want you out
life is nothing but being stuck
like a donkey in the mud

when you are with your lover..

Oh … when you ARE with your lover
life is a flower
a dream with mesmerizing  streams
a poem
a soothing ghazal of desire…..

Life becomes nothing but a Love logo
it is I die if you ever go

There is a difference between
a spouse and a lover
and no one can be both

Oh … no never



aka Darya 

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