At the first glance, it seems like a harmless innocent summer day youth activity! Splashing water from toy pistols at one another in the park! It happens everywhere in the world. What social activity could be as refreshing and natural as this?
Well, not in IRI, where it has been branded as anti social and no lesser than a threat to national security. Culprits were apprehended and taken to regime’s world famous dungeons, yet again! But then again, things don’t have the same meaning as everywhere else in the world as they do in Iran these days!
A threat to national security? Seriously? How? Why?
I find myself, ever more increasingly, asking this question; Why IRI is such a life hating and humanity despising regime?
My thoughts yield the following conclusions:
1- They are simply, a bunch dogmatic middle aged delinquents that simply should have lived a few centuries ago in the steps of Mongolia, but somehow, and by the magical use of a time machine (handed over to them in a gilded frame by the Iranians themselves), found themselves in Iran. Iranians, on the other hand, are paying the price for our previous misdemeanors.
2- IRI knows well that they only way they can rein supreme and sustainable is by fear mongering! There is no way anyone can lead an intelligent (arguably!!) nation like Iranians in any way but brutal force and spread of fear! After all no one is their sensible state of mind would ever tolerate these losers, unless there the fear-factors for life! Naturally, IRI will take every opportunity to strike their oppressive force to remind people they any expression of life will cost them their lives. This is assured by the hypocrisy of the regime leaders. Nowadays, most of them have their children in the west enjoying liberties that they prevail from their fellow countrymen.
3- They are a master of Iranian Psyche! They simply know how to rule us! They, after all, came out of us, breathed the same air and grew up in the same society as any other Iranian.
I saw something compelling in the TV today! Hosni Mubarak and his sons were behind a cage answering their crimes in an Egyptian court. This is something that less than a year ago was unthinkable by the Egyptians. A swift reminder of the fact that when a nation has had enough, nothing, no one, no amount of repression or fear, can stop them!
Apparently we, as a nation haven’t had enough yet! All those small sparks of national defiance has had not yet created a raging fire! Rest assured, when the fire stops no amount of brutality can stop the downfall of this inhumane and disgusting regime! They and their mockery of an ideology belong in hell! It’s up to us to throw their asses there! I’m dreaming again!!
دیدی آن دبدبه کبک خرامان حافظ
که ز سر پنجه شاهین قضا غافل ماند.