80 articles submitted to Iran, WWII conference secretariat

Director of the Research Center of the National Library and Archives of Iran said the Conference of Iran and World War II will be held in late October and the conference secretariat has so far received about 80 articles in two stages and the best of these articles will be published in a volume. IBNA: Gholamreza Azizi said this conference will be held on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Iran’s occupation by the Allies and asserted: “The first stage of article assessment is over and now the second stage of evaluating articles submitted to the secretariat is on the run.” 

Referring to the cooperation of the conference with document centers of the country, Azizi said: “The individuals that have submitted abstracts of their articles to the first assessment stage should send the original articles to the secretariat no later than 1st September 2011.” 

He continued: “This conference is held in order to collect articles written on contemporary history with emphasis on documents concerning Iran during the Second World War.” 

Director of the Research Center of the National Library and Archives of Iran also remarked that select documents and articles of this conference will be further released in a volume and added: “The main audiences of this conference are the students of contemporary history, members of document centers and political history students.” 

Azizi finally said the concluding cere…

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