There is Satan, and an even Greater Satan

There is no question that the regime in Iran is evil.  Not a single day passes without more news of the regime’s utter brutality. Most recently Iran’s Islamic Guard Corps are at work in Syria killing innocent protestors in the name of maintaining Syria’s bankrupt dictatorship. Then there is this constant news of apprehension and torture of young activists in Iran and daily executions.  And news of black market smuggling activity by the regime in Iran – selling body organs from dead prisoners, and selling opium and heroin on the world markets. It is for sure an evil state.

But I submit to you that there is an even greater source of evil.

If the regime in Iran is bad, who brought this evil upon the people of Iran and the world? Are the governments in the West innocent victims of an Iranian terrorist state, or are they enablers and perpetrators of the regime’s brutality? Is there something more sinister, more evil behind the regime in Iran?

If the IRGC is the world’s largest exporters of Opium and Heroin, is it not true that their whole “product” supply derives from Afghanistan, grown under the sponsorship of George Bush’s United States (and allies)? Afghanistan, after all, prior to allied invasion had virtually eliminated poppy plantings.

If the IRGC is smuggling organs from dead prisoners worldwide, is it not true that much of the revenue from this smuggling emanates from “customers” undergoing transplants in leading western hospitals in the West? Why is it that there is a public and media blind eye on high profile organ transplants like for example the Liver transplant undergone by a luminary like Steve Jobs in 2009? This was a liver that apparently was taken from an executed Iranian prisoner.  So if Steve Jobs is the head of the western world’s most valuable company, that position somehow justifies the evil perpetrated inside Iran.

The point I am making is the regime in Iran, just like Saddam Hussein (and even Hitler) do not act alone. Their very rise, their very existence can be traced to very specific policies in the West.

The active policy in the West vis-à-vis Iran is that Iran and Iranians must be besieged, isolated and contained. By doing so, Iran will retain a defensive posture and not take an aggressive position while Iran’s sovereignty is compromised in the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. In this way, Iran’s 50% ownership of the Caspian Sea can be diminished and Western Oil companies can essentially exploit literally billions of barrels of Oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas can be extracted without any restraint. The West has duly installed a dictatorship in Azerbaijan to sustain their interests and BP alone has now invested over 30 Billion dollars in new oil installations and pipelines that are designed to side step Iran while these oil fields are exploited.

The mullahs in Iran play out a very useful and specific role for the west. If Iranians are suppressed it is precisely because the West wants it so.

As Iranians in the diaspora outside Iran, it is our duty to highlight and bring forward the hypocrisy, lies and deceit of the ruling corporate elites in the west…who I submit are also fooling their own populations. This dupliticious policy is not in the long-term interests of their nations too. That a minority of companies – such as oil companies – should undermine the interests of other corporations and the public interests of their nations and other nations for their own private gain is absolutely illegitimate. To undermine freedom, liberty, free enterprise around the world for the protection of their own narrowly focused interests is the definition of evil itself.  

I do not mean to imply that all Americans or Europeans are bad. Far from it, I often find myself touched by the generosity and decency of ordinary people in the West. The people of these nations are victims too. It is in fact, a certain sub-set of “ruling elites” that are beyond ruthless in their political manipulations of these the populace. People like George Bush and newly elevated Tea Party leaders are perfect examples of how the interests of a tiny set of special interests have trumped and are planning to continue to trump the broader interests of the people of the United States. In Europe equivalent examples of players are people like Gert Wilders in Holland, or Le Pen in France …and leaders of companies like BP or Shell.

I also want you to understand, that I am a firm believer in the free enterprise system and very strongly believe in the core concepts enshrined in the US declaration of independence and the founders of the United States. The founders never imagined that new sub-elite would evolve in the West and take control of major media like Fox news and try to subjugate the people of the world to its own narrow interests. That some industries such as oil and gas or even medical insurance companies would actively engage in the political process and undermine the will of the public. The founders never imagined that the United States would become a major actor in putting in place brutal regimes that can perpetrate evil – and to do so unprecedented scales. The Founders of the US themselves where victims of such brutal actions by the British government and companies like the East India Trading Company. The war of independence was itself an effort to fight off British evil.

Iranian-Americans especially should be very wary of the Republican crowd – doing everything they can to undermine Obama. Rick Perry, a George Bush crony (as governor of Texas) is likely to emerge as a major candidate for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. Other front runners include Tea Party leadership like Michele Bachman. Be very careful, these are ruthless perpetrators of evil who will gladly compromise human liberty and freedom in support of the narrow interests of their backers…Big Oil, Big Pharma….  Note how Republican cronies such as Richard Bolton or Former New York mayor (and Republican Party Presidential candidate) Guiliani are sucking up to the MEK/PMOI crowd – who are proven murders and Iranian traitors. These Republicans leaders are all unprincipled. They are all hypocrites and liars.

Iranian-Americans today, must join other Americans in a new domestic war of independence in the US, and thwart the efforts of these evil elites – that are perpetuating evil in the US and also in Iran. If Iranians in the diaspora are all against the theocracy in Iran, they must also be against their masters in the West (especially the Christian right). It is so ironic that the very perpetrators of religion once in power politically become satanic in their exercise of power. If Satan is in power in Iran, it is only because there are times when a Greater Satan has been in power in the West.

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