The Obliteration of Iran, The 1974 Game Plan.

I haven’t seen much discussion within the iranian community on the key issues that face iran in the foreign policy field.  One of the Senior Architects of the policy of the overthrow of the Shah, professor samuel huntingdon, was implementing a plan that was later presented to the main powers of the western world at a Bilderberg meeting in 1979.  If you look over the documents you can get an idea of why the guld war was necessary and how close they are to implementng it.

Here is a youtube clip on it.…

Here is the look of the future map of the middle east after ww3.…

And here is the only good article I found that educates people that these islamist movements to topple Qaddafi are really just ground work funded by the USA/UK and Israel and implemented by Nato to realize this vision.

This is a good reason why we don’t want to see the MeK delisted as the real goals are far deeper than regime change in Iran or democracy, justice and freedom.  Russia is the only power opposed to this and it seems clear why they are intent for Iran and North Korea to collaborate for Iran to get Nuclear weapons as this plan can only be fully implemented with occupational forces and Nukes would deter that.   

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