Iranian Slaves

An Iranian woman *  and mother of 2 young children is arrested and convicted TWICE for the same OFFENSE (allegedly her husband bought night vision binoculars that are legal to own but not to transport). Then certain Users on this site actively work to hide the obvious human rights violations against the Iranian-woman (which has nothing to do with who is in power in the government of Iran); some of those actively working to hide U.S. human rights abuses also subtly espouse anti-Iranian stereotypes; another lends support to a Kurdish terror group that’s soliciting $100 donations on behalf of the purported “hikers” (Shourd, Fattal, & Bauer). And all of these site-Users repeatedly and constantly make affirmative excuses for the U.S. human rights record (“affirmatively” acting to make excuses is different than not expressing an opinion.  One is a repetitive action, the other is an omission.)  

* Note: The hikers’ guilt and the Iranian-woman’s case is discussed here: 



” by  on Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:57 AM PDT  Komala: The Kurdistan Organization of Communist Party of Iran, has been the leader of Kurdish peopele’s struggle for freedom for the past 32 years in Iran. So far it has organized two successful GENERAL STRIKES in Kurdistan. The next GENERAL STIKE shall be a national one. In you utterly racist, prejudiced view of Kurds, we’re all called ‘terrorist” while Kurdestan has shown the highest level of political culture inIran for the past 32 years.”

Note:  Kurdish Communist Party of Iran (Komala); terrorist group, which has conducted several terror killings in western Iranian cities.  In 1967, Komala was founded and fought against the government of the Shah. Komala’s official platform states its purpose is for “The military struggle in Kurdistan” through “small guerrilla groups who live secretly inside Kurdistan.”


The Iranian-woman’s abuse by the U.S. government has nothing to do with who is in power in Iran.  “Nothing” means “nothing.”  Even if Santa Claus was the ruler of Iran, the analysis and observations would be the same.  One of the tactics used to against people on this site that don’t push the pro-US or pro-Isael line prevalent on this site, is the game of “Iranian-McCarthyism.”  ( See, )

As one person pointed out, the mentality of automatically putting Westerners above Iranians has been deeply ingrained in the mind of some Iranians; my argument is that people continue to push that agenda on this site.  Not only is that mentality wrong and dangerous, those among  you that seek a new government in Iran should remember that one of the perceived reasons behind the 1979 revolution was that a leader had come a long that was willing to stand up to America.  Even if you change the government, you’re not be able to keep it changed unless and until you overcome that mentality.    

And for those in the Diaspora that are reinforcing the superiority complex of Americans over iranians, it’s only your children and families that will suffer and have to face those attitudes in the future (particularly among those Iranian expats that cannot return to Iran).

They can call me every name in the book – but facts are facts.   





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