I am sure people are telling others about the petition, and I am really pleased with the comments too. See the link below:
To: U.S. State Department
The Undersigned support the U.S. State Department (and all other government organization’s) proper designation of the MEK/MKO/PMOI as a terrorist organization and as an illegitimate opposition force to the theocratic regime in Iran. The MKO/MEK/PMOI operate effectively as a cult like organization controlling every aspect of their member’s lives (including their marriages, status of children and contacts with the outside world) with self-appointed un-democratic and unchanged leadership these past 30 years. They have alligned themselves with Saddam Hussein’s regime and terrorized both Iraqis and Iranians, and participated with Saddam Hussein in a war that resulted in over 1 Million casualties they are in fact criminals and terrorists – not a political organization with any legitimacy. They have proven by their actions that they are far worse than the regime in Iran and do not deserve international protections.
Here’s the link to sign the petition: