From Modelling to Prostitution


Prostitution (almost) never starts with a person deciding to become a prostitute right away.

Some flee home due to fights and deprivation. Some are tricked by promises of a better future, some by a more luxurious life.

They are almost always promised a modelling job because they just happen to have the face or talent that is sought after by the public. Then they have to be nice to someone in order to boost their carrier.

A kiss here and a kiss there, then why not sleep with someone to open the gateway to success. Kissing strangers and sleeping with them loses its prohibitive nature.

One day they open their eyes and find themselves miles away from their modelling dreams. They are probably also addicted to a lot of shit too.

What they have become good at is finding or serving patrons to finance their lifestyle and addiction. They are willing to do anything to maintain their good relationship with their bosses, be it prostitution, stealing, or any other common criminal acts.

One thing they will not do however and that is disgracing their own families because despite everything else, the memory of those innocent days are all they have left that is worthwhile in their lives.

And there lies the difference between them and the Bombollahi crowd.

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