
Notes from the Underground

“I think the Arabs are much braver than Iranians, especially in Syria.” “Iran is going through a period of fermentation now. Ideas and values are

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As time goes by

See more photos by Alireza Najafian on his Flickr page. Also see another photo essay featured in, ” Boys to Men”. 12345 next ›

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Message to the American People

A study of affinity between Baha’i Faith and American society. One of which is the creation of democratic government by American and a democratic religion

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Iran is not a threat

Why is it that during the last decade, when Republicans controlled all three branches of government, the national debt still exploded? Why is it that

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ایرانیان چشم براه دخالت خارجی

حسن شریعتمداری، پسر آیت الله شریعتمداری مغفور میگوید: “اکنون در کشورهای عربی مردم بین ماندن در زیر استبداد داخلی یا دخالت خارجی، دومی را ترجیح

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Antisemites unite

To be sure, neither the United Church of Canada, nor Bloor Street Church in Toronto should be blamed for Brothers’ appearance at the Al Quds

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Persian Grafitti….A success story

Shokufeh Kavani Shokufeh Kavani (Persian:  کاوانی شکوفه),  (born  1970 in Tehran) is an Iranian contemporary painter, translator and artist currently living in Sydney, Australia. She

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