Ground Zero Mosque Opens for Business
On September 21 at 6:30 PM, the Ground Zero Mosque will open its doors to show a photo exhibit in its community space. Park51 is hoping to discourage its opponents by declaring an early victory in spite of its recent embarrassments and setbacks. For full story refer to link:
Islamic aggressors came to U.S. to do their part of their Jihad mission against infidels (non-Islamic people) as their holly book “Quran” has called on them to do so. They achieved their mission on implanting the 911 massacre plot on innocent Americans. Now it is time for Americans to return the favor by kissing the Islamic murderers asses and say to them “Thank you for invading U.S., you have every right to violate the American rights of living under the democracy. In fact we make it easier for your next-time attack on our democracy by letting you build a termite nest of Muslim killers near our future trade center. ”All these appeasements are due to few rich oil cartels whose profits have shadowed all the principles of humanity, and as long as they are the ones who run the U.S. government, American people have no chance of prosperity.