Greenwald has an excellent article about how this is implausible. Some have mention it below. He has many links. I went and click on every link to go to the original source. It is a solid argument.…
If you don’t like Greewald there is also the Guardian to guide you through their own arguments.…
Also I found this little article quite interesting:
“Are we ready to believe that the cold and calculating people who govern Iran were contracting out assassination plots with Mexican drug traffickers or that they would pick Washington as the best place to attack the Saudi ambassador (knowing that being found responsible for bombing Washington would mean war with the United States)? As Seth Meyers likes to say on Saturday Night Live, “Really? Really?”
Iran Plot: Here We Go Again
Anyway … here are some comments I found online
– We spend hundreds of billions a year on our intelligence and security services, and this is the best story they can come up with? At least say Iran had hired little green men to assassin the other moslem ambassador; then so many area 51 fanatics would have bought it and it would have gone viral on Facebook. Not the boring story of Iran hired some use car sales man to do it. If that’s the best they can do, then our country is really in trouble. And I thought the economy is in trouble; it seems our intelligence service needs more help than the economy.
– Greetings:
This is the Secretary of War at the State Department
of the United States
We have a problem.
The companies want something done about this sluggish
world economic situation
Profits have been running a little thin lately
and we need to stimulate some growth
Now we know
there’s an alarmingly high number of young people roaming
around in your country with nothing to do but stir up trouble
for the police and damage private property.
It doesn’t look like they’ll ever get a job
It’s about time we did something constructive with these people
We’ve got thousands of ’em here too. They’re crawling all over
The companies think it’s time we all sit down, have a serious get-together-
And start another war. “Kinky Sex Makes the World Go Round”
– Could be that some powerful group would like to have the US invade Iran.
– FBI could have rolled this out on the day that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave his speech at the UN (which the Americans walked out of) for maximum impact.
As for Holder, the man who WOULD NOT prosecute the 2008 Crimes of Wall Street, he should be talking to his lawyer and trying to develop evasion tactics to that subpoena coming his way.
Now Hollywood will take a run at this and have a movie readied by the Xmas holiday season. Maybe Arnold can play the lead role for the FBI and Antonio Banderas can play the FBI informant infiltrating the Mexican drug cartels.
– Have we not stolen enough oil yet?
– wag the dog you sob!
– plot smacks of behind-the-scenes CIA/Saudi shenanigans, with White House approval, not just to distract from nationwide protests, but to deflect attention away from a national malaise that shows no signs of lifting. When in doubt, time for the old stand-by in the faux-intelligence holster: the WAR ON TERROR. (*yawn*)
Sorry, Barack, we are not buying it, as no one abroad could terrorize Americans like they are being terrorized at home, both economically and environmentally. We ain’t buying this one.
– This is the US Government’s “Little Boy Who Cried Iran!” moment.
Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to login everywhere this pathetic hoax is published and comment “BULL BISCUITS!” or other similar observation. This is a desperate attempt to hand the media something to report on that is not the Occupy movement.
– OK, drag the Mexicans into this mess, after all Mexicans and Iranian look alike, don’t they? I mean look at my profile pic, put a rag on my head, BAAMM, instant terrorist!!
– IRAN is a WORLD HERITAGE site any attack on IRAN is tantamount to destroying WORLD CULTURE….after all the GARDEN of EDEN is in IRAN…..would you destroy GOD”S GARDEN ….think about it and you understand the Luciferian powers that seek to trick more Americans, like at 9/11, again
– I can’t believe this message board. This was a great achievement by our intelligence agency yet somehow all I see is petty political name calling from both sides. The government finally did something right. Lets celebrate and congratulate them.