This past week Eric Holder, America’s attorney general revealed a plot by an AMERICAN (yes, he was a naturalized American) to kill the Saudi Ambassador, apparently with financial backing from Iran’s Quds Force (an elite division of Iran’s Military establishment). He called the guy an Iranian = even though he was a U.S. citizen, and he made sure to make this announcement in time for prime time news; and carefully dominate the news cycle away from other more embarassing issues for himself, his department and Obama’s administration. This announcement came even though this dude had been imprisoned for literally over a month; and they knew about all this nonesense over 3 months ago.
Now, none of that matters – all the politicians do that. Except, that by calling him an Iranian …he was pandering to deeply felt resentment among Americans towards Iranians – who they believe are terrorists or islamic fanatics, or worse yet “just plain old’ muslim…. It was clever politics at the expense of Iranians. Yes, Eric, lets feed into the Xenophobia in America. Iranians are a cheap shot. Oh let’s forget about the Americans who spy for Israel when they are caught with America’s deepest secrets – why do you call them Americans in your news conferences (and don’t call them Israelis, even though they all have Dual nationality)?
Its hilarious most Iranians in the U.S. – when asked – say they are Italians, or Turks or “Persians” ….they are so afraid of this negative perception of Iranians by almost all Americans, their impulse is to hide their nationality. The Fereidoons of the world are “Freddy”, the Mohammads are “Mo” …oh please just call me Mo ….its sick and ridiculous. Iranians are ashamed of their nationality in America.
On the other hand, go to Tehran, and you’ll see almost all the kids in blue Jeans, listening to Western (principally American) Music, longing to get a visa to get the hell out of Iran …they’ll try to speak English with anyone they can. They watch American movies …
Iranians too, value American values: the concept of Freedom, Democracy, free speech, free enterprise…In some ways Iranians are more American than Americans themselves, because Iranians truly cherish liberty and have struggled for over 100 years to be free. When Iranians burn the American flag in street demonstrations – they are NOT showing hatred toward Americans; they are in fact pointing out the the U.S. government has and is continuing to try to destroy Iran and Iranians.
America has systematically undermined Iranian liberty. Conspired with the Brits to destroy Iran, financed and supported Saddam Hussein in his 8 year – bloody invasion of Iran. And there is talk almost daily of a major invasion of Iran, or a break up of Iran into smaller states based on tribal affiliations. U.S. today supervises almost 25,000 MT of Opium production in Afghanistan, knowing that the bulk of it will travel to Iran and feed the habit of 1.2 million Iranian addicts that have become hooked since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. When America conspires with Britain to suck out 3 million barrels of oil out of the Caspian Sea in Iranian soveriegn regions – that is absolutely a slap in the face to Iran and Iranians. When the U.S. keeps announcing bullshit sanctions that have only reinforced the regime in Iran – and hurt ordinary Iranians – that is tantamount to effectively killing literally thousands, maybe millions of Iranians. They impose Gasoline sanctions after Iran builds its own gasoline refinery!!! They impose Airline sanctions – so what?? Banking sanctions in a world where within seconds transactions can be funnelled through third parties??!! Daily transhipments through Dubai to Iran are the order of the day, at time when sanctions are supposed to be fully effective?? Who is the U.S. government fooling? Maybe Americans – but not Iranians. We know the truth and understand fully the harm that is being imposed on Iran – every single day.
Americans, it seems to me, have turned a little nasty since 9/11 – maybe arrogant towards Iranians. It seems to me – that it really doesn’t matter to anyone in the U.S. that over 1 Million Iranians died in the Iran-Iraq war (a war U.S. sponsored and prolonged); but that Iran (and every nation in the world) should have a day of morning on 9/11 to cry over the loss of 3000 lives in New York. I think, as far as Americans are concerned Iranians are little ants that should be stepped on and shat on at will – and Iranians should simply accept their plight. This is despite the fact that Iran had nothing to do with 9/11.
Next time an American politician decides to use the good name of Iran and Iranians in a bad light, lets make a commitment as Iranian-Americans to completely humiliate the bastard. Iranians wherever they are great contributors to society and humanity. Look at the wealthiest group in India today – they are the Parsi’s (the Persians that emigrated from Iran); look at the most affluent, highest educated immigrant group in the U.S. ever – yes its Iranian-Americans (who literally work their butts off, and have found ways to get ahead despite the prejudice and injustice of Americans)….
As Iranians we should be proud of who we are, our heritage – and not let an idiot politician use us as scapegoat for their incompetence. Mr. Holder, you’ve lost my respect – you would have been better off micro-managing your department and making sure U.S. arms don’t go freely to Mexican drug militias without any controls, you would have been better attending to the fraud on wall street and assigning some more agents to round up a few bank thieves (none of which have been captured or convicted yet despite trilllions in tax payer bail outs). I wish you would save your announcements for issues and items that truly add value to the United States – and not to minor bullshit issues that only drum up fear, hostility and xenophobia. As an African-American this is something you of all people should understand.
Threats to politicians and foreign dignitaries are a dime a day…there are nuts everywhere …. and tell your buddies in the administration that they are nuts for their duplicitous strategy of private amity and public enmity with their buddies inside the regime in Iran. We all know the regime in Iran was created and is being maintained by the U.S. and its allies.
The regime in Iran will eventually fall. And one day, we will pull out all the documents inside the regime’s offices and we will show your government up for what it is truly doing and done to Iran and Iranians. Maybe then, and only then, ordinary Americans will understand that Iranians have nothing but love and respect for ordinary Americans and especially American values. We want our children to have the same opportunities and priviledges they want for their own kids. In a hostile world, Iranians deserve some dignity – please give it to us…we are victims not criminals.