Imagine being imprisoned for opting to believe in a different religion.
Imagine 3 days prior to the scheduled release from the unjust imprisonment, you are handed a five year extension of the imprisonment.
Finally, imagine the charge hanging over your head as specified in your file mandates execution.
Unfortunately, this horrifying scenario is not an imaginary one for Pastor Behnam Irani, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reports:
“Considering the explicit confessions of the abovementioned individual [Irani] during the trial, that his father and mother were Muslims and he, himself, also opted for Islam when he reached maturity, and then left the holy religion of Islam and became a Christian. And that he also deceived a group of people into leaving Islam. Therefore as mentioned in … [Islamic religious text] … the abovementioned individual is definitely an innate apostate, and the sentence for innate apostasy is death.”
This Islamist barbarism has to be made to stop!