Why Does Zia Nabavi Have to Suffer?

Today is the 855th day of Zia Nabavi’s imprisonment. The Iranian authorities have not provided the high-achieving student activist with even one day of prison leave (furlough). Zia has endured extremely deplorable conditions in various Iranian prisons since his arrest in June 2009. The Iranian authorities have selected many illegal channels to justify depriving the renowned student activist of his basic prisoner rights and issuing a decade’s worth of exiled imprisonment. Zia Nabavi is currently held in prison exile, far way from his family and friends. He has been abused and tortured, but no one hears his cries. He has no choice but to lean on his own will. We can help Zia Nabavi by getting his story out to the world.   

Here are some links to check out:

Jailed Student Zia Nabavi Writes Letter to Iranian Judiciary’s Head of Human Rights

Zia Nabavi Writes Detailed Case Report for Ayatollah Larijani

Zia Nabavi Writes to Ayatollah Larijani: “I Am Not a Mohareb”

“I thought silence would prove results, but the opposite happened” |Father of Zia Nabavi in Interview http://persian2english.com/?p=14967

26 Iranian Political Prisoners Send Letter of Complaint Against Ministry of Intelligence http://persian2english.com/?p=21909


UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran
Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10



Further inquires can also be directed to:

Mr. Naveed Ahmed — Tel. +41 22 928 9477 / email: nahmed@ohchr.org or Rose Parris Richter (Tel. +1 917 226 4551/ email: srhumanrights@gmail.com

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