
I hear the sound of one hand clapping

why fear the end when there is no ending only new beginnings
when one door closes five more open from floor to floor
I will chase you like two little children…God, the angels
would never let two souls such as ours be lovers
it would put some order into the universe
and shake the chaos by its name
and shame all cheaters
wife beaters
and anger
my heart unravels all its cockles
in your tender care and out
full grown after
a long winters sleep in their cacoons
on the dark side of the moon, the mystery
of it all…I think therefore I am? Wrong… I feel
therefore I am and from dust and ashes rose the Phoenix bird
too late for that Parliament of Birds overwhich a Hooploe presided
was it fair Persia where our souls must have collided joon e delam

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Iranian Singles

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