One of Us

From the first time I heard Monika Jalili sing an Iranian tune, I was impressed by her art and her spirit.  With her musical training and her beautiful voice, she could sing anything, do any kind of music, and play to any audience her heart could desire. Yet, she has chosen to sing our songs, play our music, and sing them for us [video: Jaan-e Maryam].  Even before meeting her, I was impressed!  Ahead of her upcoming November 6th concert at Yoshi’s in San Francisco to benefit Golestan School, I was able to find a few minutes in Monika Jalaili’s busy schedule to chat with her.  If you live in these parts, go see Monika Jalili at Yoshi’s in San Francisco on Sunday night, November 6.  It is great music from a woman who has chosen to be one of us, for a cause that is a true source of pride for all Iranians. Promo video. For tickets click here. 12 next › last »

Meet Iranian Singles

Iranian Singles

Recipient Of The Serena Shim Award

Serena Shim Award
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