BLUE BLOOD: First Glimpse at Prince Ali Reza’s daughter in mother’s Arms

CORRECTION: It has been confirmed to me that the women in question in the photo is not the little Princess’ Mother “Raha Didevar” but rather a Family Friend ( or Cousin ?) Mrs. “Golnar Samii”. The Child however is indeed Prince Ali Reza’s daughter. 



A photo of Princess Iryana Leila Pahlavi, the daughter of Prince Ali Reza Pahlavi who was born on July 26th,2001 to his relationship with Fiancé Raha Didevar has been circulating on FB. Pending confirmation this is a first glimpse of the young child in her mother’s arms. (ERROR SEE ABOVE)

Previous announcements by the Pahlavi Family had asked fellow compatriots to respect the privacy of the new born baby and child. It is difficult to imagine that the photos have been circulating without the full approval of the mother and without the knowledge of the Pahlavi family itself.

According to the previous Iranian Constitution of 1906 , Prince Ali Reza was second in Line to the Peacock throne after Crown Prince Reza given that only male heir’s can succeed to the Throne. Great Britain and the Commonwealth have only recently amended the Royal Succession laws so as to equally acknowledge female heirs to the throne. Sweden has amended it’s Constitution back in 1979 upon Sweden’s King Carl XVI Gustaf’s personal suggestion making Princess Victoria the Crown Princess of Sweden.

The royal decree took effect only in January 1st, 1980 after a vote in Parliament. Strangely enough, in Great Britain (which does not have a written Constitution) the decision of amending the Royal Succession laws was suggested by the Prime Minister and upon his own initiative and not the Monarch who despite her Royal Prerogatives as Head of State, nevertheless, has no say in such decisions regarding the shaping of the Royal Institution.

Wishing the mother and beautiful baby a Long Life of Happiness and Joy regardless of what life and destiny may hold for them in the future …

Photo Tribute: The Royal Family of Iran

Recommended Reading:

by Darius KADIVAR

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