MONARCHY OR REPUBLIC ? British MP Calls For Referendum On Libya’s Future

Influential Tory MP and specialist on Libyan Affairs, Daniel Kawczynski, has suggested the Libyan people should be allowed to hold a referendum on whether they would like their exiled prince to be restored on the throne as a constitutional monarch. Mr Kawczynski made the case while spearheading a debate at Westminster on the UK’s relationship with Libya. Muhammad al-Senussi has been living in London since his family was overthrown by Colonnel Gaddafi in1969. Tory MP Daniel Kawczynski said he supported the National Transitional Council of Libya But, he was “concerned” Libyans had not been given the chance themselves to decide on what sort of constitution they wanted.

Hosted by ECR ( European Conservatives and Reforms Group ) Crown Prince of Libya was received last April at the European Parliament :

Libya’s Future Fraught with Challenges (VOA):






MP Daniel Kawczynski in call over Libya’s future (Tuesday1st November 2011)

A Shropshire MP today suggested the Libyan people be given a referendum on whether they would like the exiled prince of Libya restored to the throne to head a constitutional monarchy.

Muhammad al-Senussi has been living in London since his family was overthrown by Colonnel Gaddafi in 1969. Tory MP Daniel Kawczynski said he supported the National Transitional Council of Libya.

But, he was “concerned” Libyans had not been given the chance themselves to decide on what sort of constitution they wanted.

The NTC yesterday appointed Abdel-Rahim al-Keeb, an electronics engineer from Tripoli, as its new interim president, while the country seeks to re-wire itself for the post-Gaddafi era.

Mr Kawczynski argued the restoration of the monarchy in Libya offered “stability” – and the Crown Prince a “unifying figure, untainted by any previous association with the Gaddafi regime” who would “command respect” and could “bring the whole country together”.

The Shrewsbury & Atcham MP said he had contacted Prime Minister David Cameron to seek the Crown Prince’s guidance and views on Libya.

“After 42-years of absolutely tyrannical despotism I don’t think it is unreasonable to have a referendum,” said the Tory MP.

“I, for one, think another politician, another head of state that is a politician, is the last thing that the Libyan people want, and I think they need to be consulted in order for them to decide what sort of constitution they want.

“Yes this is a matter for the Libyan people, but ultimately, our country has put our service personnel at risk and I think we have a right to advise and caution the NTC in this regard,” he added.

Mr Kawczynski made the case while spearheading a debate at Westminster on the UK’s relationship with Libya. He also asked if the Government was happy for the killer of British police officer WPc Yvonne Fletcher to face trial in Libya.

Foreign Office Minister Jeremy Browne said the Government was committed to building a “revitalised” relationship with Libya which addressed “past wrongs”.






Daniel Kawczynski Opposing Gordon Brown in Parliament over EU Elections held in Poland :

Recorded from BBC2’s The Daily Politics, 24 June 2009.

Daniel Kawczynski takes Part in the BBC Doha Debates – October 12, 2009

MOTION :« This House deplores the release of the Lockerbie bomber to Libya »

Daniel Kawczynski, British politician FOR

Mustafa Fetouri, Libyan academic and writer AGAINST

Guma El-Gamaty, Libyan researcher and writer ( today UK spokesman for NTC) FOR

Jim Swire, Father of a Lockerbie victim AGAINST

MOTION PASSED by 53% to 47%

Part I:

Part II :

Part III :

Part IV:

Part V:


Part VI:

About Daniel Kawczynski:

Daniel Robert Kawczynski (born 24 January 1972) is the Conservative Party Member for Parliament (MP) for Shrewsbury and Atcham in ShropshireEngland. Kawczynski’s family came to Britain from Poland in 1940,after Poland’s invasion by Nazi Germany. Kawczynski was educated at St George’s College, an independent school (at the time for boys only), inWeybridge in Surrey, followed by the University of Stirling in the city of Stirling in the Central Region of Scotland, where he read Business Studies with Languages,[and was President of the University Conservative Association in 1991. After graduating, Kawczynski becamean international account manager in the telecommunications industry, a position he held for ten years. Kawczynski first stood for Parliament in the 2001 general election for Ealing Southall and came a distant second with 18%of the vote. However, he won the seat for Shrewsbury and Atcham at the 2005 general election, succeeding Labour‘s Paul Marsden with 37.7% of the vote, compared to 34.1% for Labour and 22.8% for the Liberal Democrats. Kawczynski was re-elected at the 2010 general election with 43.9% ofthe vote, compared to 29.0% for the Liberal Democrats in second. In 2010,Kawczynski published a book called Seeking Gaddafi published prior to the Libyan dictator’s fall.

Official Website Here

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