LOL, Doctorate of Honor Mirfetroos, was stripped of that due to his most recent “contribution”

I have never heard of American Global University, but the fact that they would take back their honorary degree because Mirfetroos is proposing such criminal/insane idea, is very refreshing. I particularly like the proposed deadline for returning degree.

It is great to see even an unknown institution, would not want to be associated with these dumb/warmongering ideas.

Congratulations to all supporters of Mirfetroos, (I think there are few on this site).


According to the letter submitted by this institution:

One needs to understand that the granting of an honorary degree is based upon the grantee’s honorable and deserving qualifications. One of these, as stipulated in American Global University‘s (AGU) Honorary Degree Granting Policy, category I, is the grantee’s devoting himself or herself to humanitarianism and striving toward the goal of establishing peace throughout the world. However, shamefully and disappointingly, you wrote an outlandish letter to Senator Lindsey Graham announcing your agreement with a military attack by the world powers, including the United States upon your own Fatherland, Iran. In your letter, you unjustifiably advocate bringing down the Mullahs’ Regime by military force instead of asking Senator Graham to support the Iranian people to revolt in order to topple the Regime. By doing so, you have potentially unleashed a monster in the form of global economic and political disorder, not to mention the many Iranian and American lives that would be lost. However, I’m confident that unfortunately, arms sellers on both sides would benefit from such a conflict.

Mr. Mirfetros, being a good writer does not make you a good human being. Adolf Hitler was a good artist, but he will only be remembered because of his hideous crimes against humanity. Mr. Mirfetros, you and your loved ones are living under the security umbrella of France, a civilized and powerful country. Therefore, you have the luxury of feeling secure about your family and yourself. However, it would appear from your letter that you do not care about millions of innocent and defenseless Iranian men, women, and children who would suffer the unspeakable horrors of a war initiated by the world powers who would use their military might in obliterating much of Iran’s population, together with the precious few comforts and possessions that they have.

Lastly, your encouragement of a military attack on Iran is so preposterous that you do not deserve to keep the honorary doctorate that was heretofore granted to you by AGU. Therefore, your honorary doctorate is hereby revoked effective as of the date of this revocation email to you. Be forewarned that henceforth affixing, signing, or printing your name by any means and in any manner with Dr. and/or introducing yourself as Doctor in any manner based on the AGU honorary degree is both a legal and moral violation of the university’s rights. In this eventuality, legal action will be taken, including attorney and court fees.

You must return the honorary degree to AGU no later than December ۱۵, ۲۰۱۱, otherwise the revocation will be published in educational periodicals, in at least one local newspaper in your city, and also on AGU‘s website.

Dr. A. Samadani, Ph.D., President

American Global University

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