Egypt’s ‘Naked Blogger’ Calls On Men To Wear Hijab


n Egyptian blogger who sparked controversy last week by posting a photo of herself naked online has also launched a campaign calling on men to don the Islamic headscarf.

However, the Facebook campaign, launched by Aliaa Elmahdy in support of women’s rights, was shut down after it was hit by thousands of complaints last week. Elmahdy plans to relaunch it within days.

Elmahdy sent shockwaves through Egypt’s highly traditional society when one of her friends shared a photo of her wearing nothing but a pair of shoes and stockings on Twitter with the hashtag #nudephotorevolutionary.

Elmahdy’s boyfriend, Kareem Amer, says his girlfriend’s reasons for originally posting the photo on her blog were not political. He said she wanted “to send a message” to conservative Egyptian society that a woman’s body should not be associated with “shame.”

Her reasons for launching the Facebook project, “Wearing Hijab in Solidarity with Women,” which kicked off on November 1, are similar. She says she started the project because “many people deny that the hijab discriminates between women and men.”

A statement posted on the group’s Arabic-language Facebook page before the page was removed said that “Those who call on women to wear hijab should not attack men if they chose to wear the hijab” and calls on men to upload their …

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