Cases and Quotes about people who care for animals.

As I travel throughout the world, I notice people who care for animals tend to be kinder people in comparison to those who do not like animals.  Often people who care for animals are being criticized for not spending their time or personal funds on needy people.  The reason that people in Iran give for not helping animals is very commonly made in other countries as well.  I do not think that kindness and concern have to be on an either/or basis.  People who care about animals are kinder to everyone.  

Here is a case and a quote to encourage you to share your ideas.


A boy who finishes high school in Kerman gets admitted to a college in Karaj, Alborz Province, in Iran.  He loves animals and meets a woman who works in an animal shelter.  The boy comes from relatively poor background and the woman offers a room in her house for him to stay and go to college.  Everybody is happy and the boy in his junior year brings a girl from his college to introduce to this woman who gave him a place to stay.  She notices how much they care for each other and suggests that they marry.  When they respond that they cannot afford to marry, she tells them not to worry.  They can stay at her place and she will arrange for the wedding.  The woman gets busy and contacts twenty five families for help for the wedding.  Out of twenty five families, seven families offered help.  When the deadline approached four families actually came through with their  promise of financial assistance with cooking or other preparations.  Every one of these families were people who helped the animal shelters in Iran.  (The morale of this story is clear: those who care for animals are also those who will want to help others as well).


Mahatma Gandhi:: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated”.

Please share quote(s) and real-life stories. 

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