Danielle Mitterand (1924-2011): MKO & Kurdish Separatists pay tribute to France’s First Lady

Danielle Mitterrand, the widow of former French President Francois Mitterrand, has died at the age of 87. MKO leader Maryam Rajavi and Kurdish Separatists paid their respects to the former First Lady who was a staunch supporter of their cause during the years. Danielle Mitterand had founded a non profit organization :France Liberté, aimed at defending Human Rights Worldwide, but her commitment soften at odds with her own husband Socialist President François Mitterand often divided public opinion. (More Photos Here)

Danielle Mitterrand dies in France aged 87 :

BFM TV: Funeral of DanielleMitterand buried at Cluny:




Danielle Mitterand’s

Controversial Political Stances

Divided Public Opinion




Mitterand With Kurdish Rebel Leader Massoud Barzani (1991):

Mitterand With Maryam Rajavi at Auver-sur-Oise(MKO TV):



MKO Highjack Boeing 747 

with 200 hostages (1983)



Six Iranian hijackers, who threatened to blow up an Iran Air Boeing 747 with nearly 200 hostages on board at Orly Airport, give themselves up after talking to Massoud Rajavi, the leader of their guerrilla group Mujahedin. Date: 07/07/1983





Kurdish Rebel’s Views on Monarchy



Assassinated Kurdish leader speaking on future form of government

Wikipedia: Abdol Rahman Ghassemlou (December 22, 1930 – July 13, 1989) was a Kurdish political leader. Ghassemlou was the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran from 1973 to 1989, when he was assassinated by perpetrators thought to be agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran >>> 





Danielle Mitterand Dies



French president’s widow Danielle Mitterrand dies (bbc)

Danielle Mitterrand, the widow of former French President Francois Mitterrand, has died at the age of 87.

Mrs Mitterrand had been admitted to Georges-Pompidou hospital in Paris after suffering from respiratory problems on Friday.

She was put in an artificial coma on Sunday and died in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Francois Mitterrand led the Socialist party and served two terms as president of France,from 1981 to 1995.

A member of the French Resistance and a humanitarian campaigner, Danielle Mitterrand was often an outspoken first lady.


Resistance nurse

A friend of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, she also campaigned on behalf of the Kurds and Tibetans. She embraced numerous causes, including an equitable share-out of water resources.


Born Danielle Gouze in the eastern town of Verdun, she joined the Resistance as a nurse aged only 17, when German troops occupied most of France in 1940.

On 27 October,1944, she married Francois Mitterrand, a fellow Resistance member, whom she met when he was on the run from the Gestapo.

The couple had three sons Gilbert, Jean-Christophe and Pascal. Pascal died very young.



After President Mitterrand’s election in 1981, she devoted herself to human rights work.


Francois Mitterrand died of cancer in 1996, but his widow continued herwork.


The organisation she founded in 1986, France Libertes, celebrated its 25th anniversary in October this year.

President Nicolas Sarkozy said “she never abandoned her values and pursued to theend of her might the battles she considered fair”.

Jack Lang, a ministerin Francois Mitterrand’s government in the 1980s, described her as “afriend, a militant, a conscience, an icon”.

Danielle Mitterrand’s nephew, Frederic – the current culture minister -said she had contributed enormously towards “humanising the very idea ofthe presidency, while maintaining her freedom of thought and speech”.


Related :


Obituary :Danielle Mitterrand (bbc)


Recommended Reading:

 by DK


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Related pictory:

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