It was the BBC after all who promoted the takeover of Iran by Khomeini’s clan. and this was the very tip of a systematic campaign funded over decades by British intelligence to financially support Khomeni and his gang – ready for a takeover in Tehran some day.
And sure enough that day came, and his cloeses entourage (people like Rafsanjani) were propped up for kingdom – while British oil rivals (Exxon etc.) were kicked out of Iran. Britain then muzzled Iranian oil, while it brought its North Sea oil on shore … replacing Iran’s 4 million barrels a day with Britains Oil in what was once a stagnant (even declining world market). Then the Brits conspired with Americans and splintered the Soviet Union, and then grabbed the spoils in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan for themselves.
And when North Sea oil wound down, the Brits told their dogs in Iran to look the other way, while the set up shop in Azerbaijan and started stealing Iranian oil from the Caspian sea … And sure enough the Mullahs did just that. Now Britain is sucking 3 Million barrels a day from oil fields called “Darvish” …in Iranian territory.
And it was the Brits who masterminded an international sanctions against Iran policy – while the set up shop in rheir Persian Gulf colony of Dubai – and cleaned up on all transhipment business to Iran. And they literally stopped Bush in his tracks from invading Iran, while they monopolized all of Iran’s sanction busting business. Look at Dubai today – man. Its all British banks, and british companies.
The thought that the Mullahs in Iran are somehow anti-British is absurd. Who are they fooling? I am sure the Brits are putting all this up to fool the world….Khamenei doesn’t go to the bathroom without British approval. Why is it that CIA spies are caught in Iran – but British spies are never found? Never killed? Never Imprisoned?
This is bullshit …pure and simple. The greatest profiteers of Iran’s demise has been Britain and their puppet states like UAE etc. And they have engineered every event inside Iran….for their own benefit.