Psychiatric evaluation finds Norway killer insane
A psychiatric evaluation of confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik found he was insane during the July 22 bomb and shooting attacks that killed 77 people in Norway, prosecutors said Tuesday. Anders Behring Breivik ‘not accountable for attacks.’ Psychiatrists think that Anders Behring Breivik was insane at the time of his attacks on downtown Oslo and Utoya Island. If a court agrees with that assessment, the self-declared anti-Muslim militant cannot be sentenced to prison but will be subjected to compulsory psychiatric care, prosecutors told reporters in Oslo.
THis is nothing but whitewash of a mini-genocide!
This is total travesty of justice system that is a victim of procedures of psychiatric evaluation of confessed mass killer Anders Behring . How could be he insane when the attacks were so vigilantly planned and executed. All megalomaniacs are usually insane, so was Hitler and his cohorts why did mankind decided to charge them in Nuremberg?
“The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated.”
Robert Jackson delivered this opening statement for the prosecution.
No criminal trial provides a enhanced basis for comprehending the cause of evil than do the Nuremberg trials. ( 1945 to 1949) Those who come to the trials believing to find brutal monsters were generally dissatisfied. What was appalling about Nuremberg is the triviality of the defendants: men who were good fathers, loved animals, yet committed disgusting crimes against the mankind. Years later, covering the trial of Adolf Eichmann, Hannah Arendt wrote of “the banality of evil.”
Janet Flanner of the New Yorker described Goering as “a brain without a conscience.” Goering was unrepentant. He evaded no questions; offered no apologies. He testified that the concentration camps were necessary to preserve order: “It was a question of removing danger.” The leadership principle, which concentrated all power in the Fuhrer, was “the same principle on which the Catholic church and the government of the USSR are both based.” Like Eichmann, Goering most Nuremberg defendants never aspired to be villains.
Some suggested and argued that rather, they either over identified with an ideological cause or suffered from a lack of imagination: they couldn’t fully appreciate the human consequences of their career-motivated decisions. Goering was unrepentant. He evaded no questions; offered no apologies. He testified that the concentration camps were necessary to preserve order: “It was a question of removing danger.” The leadership principle, which concentrated all power in the Fuhrer, was “the same principle on which the Catholic church and the government of the USSR are both based.”
Psychiatric evaluation of all these criminals would have escorted them to release from criminal responsibility in line of doctrinal beliefs. Based on such a defence they could not be sentenced to prison but would be subject to compulsory psychiatric care!
Over identification with an hatred of other humans is the crime that is notorious for selectivity of victims on basis of creed, birth and belief. This on a greater scale if collectively conducted is a genocide or a holocaust. Confessed mass killer Anders Behring is a an evil mind and should be subject to court and if found guilty sentenced in accordance with the law.
Such a lame escape for him from the hands of what is a healing science of medicine will set a terrible standard for future criminals with such tendency of systematic killing of all the people from a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do this.