This month marks the one year anniversary of the anniversary of Shahla (Khadijeh) Jahied’s execution by the Terrorist Occupying Regime in Iran. Shahla was the temporary wife of disgraced footballer Nasser Mohammad Khani and was convicted of the muder of his permanent wife Laleh Sarkhizian in 2003. Shahla initially confessed to the murder of Sarkhizian under duress and after being persuaded by Nader Khani who visited her in prison fearing he would be implicated in her murder. At her trial, key forensic evidence by the coroner which founded semen on Sarkhizian’s body and that the fatal stab wounds on her body could not have been inflicted by a woman and certainly not carried out in the manufactured hysterical confession which Shahla had performed on video. Shahla was an example of scores of women denied fair trial in the sorry excuse of a justice system in the Islamic Republic. Sakineh Mohammadi is another victim of institutionalised anti-woman prejudice made to perform a mock confession after international pressure to stop her execution by stoning.Shahla died begging for mercy and adamantly denied until the last minute of her death that she was responsible for Laleh’s murder. The cowardly Mohammad Khani was also present at her barbaric execution and neither showed remorse or regret for the lives of two women whose lives he deatroyed.Goodbye sweet Shahla. You will be remembered in our hearts for ever.