The USA wants to Ruin Iranians Lives.

How far does one need to look into the Actions of the Government of the United States of America to realize the threat they wish to continue to impose on Iranians, by disrespecting their human rights and making a joke of basic human decencies?

Apparently not too far.  Over the last 35 years the USA has been following a clear and obvious policy with respect to the middle east and north africa.  The USA’s approach has been to fund and spread radicalized minorities within islam, with the main goal bring them to power to retard the economic development of the region and dominate the resources.  After creating and backing the Mujahedeen, the muslim brotherhood, Al-Quaeda and the Thugs that brought khomeini to power, the result of their intentional and planned interference has been to impose Sharia law on to previously relatively secular states.

Everywhere we look from the US backed betrayal of the Shah in 1979, to the invasion of Iraq, to the regions where the USA projected its force just this last year, the creation of states imposing Sharia Law is clearly evident.  All of these actions have been committed in an unlawful and criminal way.  From the betrayal of the late Shah, with which the USA had an unbreakable pact and legal obligation to aid, to the illegal attack on Iraq based on intentionally fabricated lies, to the actions in Libya this year.

In Libya the USA trashed the relevant UN Security Council resolution which said no bombing – and they were bombing. It said: no arms deliveries to
any party – and they were delivering arms. It said: no land operation –
and they conducted special forces operations. It said: do not intervene
in the domestic political situation – and they changed it
.  The real Rogue state n the world is the Empire of the USA and its allies.  They don’t even practice the basic principles of international law and have shown that they are willing to live by the law of the jungle. whle pretending tobe the Moral Authority for the world.

What sucks is that the USA has been completely successful at implementing this sick and perverted policy with the support and cheers of their own deceived people, including many people on IC.  They pretend that they support human rights, freedom, justice and democracy yet their actions show they couldn’t care less about any of these things.  Infact by helping fundamentalists impose sharia law on previously secular societies they show they are causing great harrm to all these ideals.

When we look at how US presidents act and compare them to the late Shah, Ghaddafi, Saddam, Mubarak, we see even more hypocrisy.  That these leaders are all dictators, megalomaniacs, despots, tyrants, oppressive, corrupt on the one hand and that the presidents of the USA are somehow less evil?  This manipulation has been allowed by most Iranians and caused them to allow a huge amount of hurt into their lives.  The truth is the people of Iran and the region have been manipulated by repeated lies/propaganda and psychological warefare.  I can say for certain the late Shah of Iran who kept iran at peace never committed in all the 35 years he was king 1/10th the crimes or murder of just a single term of a US president.  As I was reflecting on the US policy to intentionally spread and help this radical islam cause untold harm to innocent people then a new angle came to light which put America in a totally different light for me. What could it be? 

I was watching Hilary on TV, employing one of the most hypocritical and stupid policies one can imagine.  Of course your average brain washed US news watcher wouldn’t catch it, they just sit their and let the media do its magic of telling them exactly how to think, war is peace, murder is love, stealing is prosperity, the approach that no one really questions unless there is a show telling them to question it like democracynow.  Anyway Hilary was using stereotypes to interfere in the results of an election with which the US goverment was not happy with.  After directly interferring in the Arab Spring with bombs, she was doing it indirectly with Russia.

Hilary said in a carefully worded statement, “When authorities fail to prosecute those who attack people for
exercising their rights or exposing abuses, they subvert justice and
undermine the people’s confidence in their governments,
we have seen in many places, and most recently in the Duma elections in
Russia, elections that are neither free nor fair have the same effect”  The truth is she was really criticising the outcome of the election with out wanting to put it that way.What positio is the USA to criticise andseek to influence elections in Russia when itsown elections are riddled with so many irregularities.

A renouned reporter rightly joked about her comments, “We had a stolen election in 2000, we had a semi-stolen election in
2004, in Ohio, not in Florida, this is documented, everybody knows this,
even in the US, we had Hillary Clinton going recently to Uzbekistan and
praising the progress in Uzbekistan, probably she means progress that
(Uzbek President Islam) Karimov is not boiling opponents anymore, so
it’s an enormous hypocrisy.”

This being the way the USA is showing up in the world, as a hedgemonic superpower, without any morality at all even with a superpower like russia, the thing that I realized is what we all know, but are really afraid to even admit to ourselves.  There is not a chance that the USA has any other goal for Iranians than to ruin their lives even further than it already has and has been seeking to do,  Iran being as weak as she is (forget AN’s words) is gong to have many Iranian lives ruined, so Bill can get a Blow Job and Hilary can spend another $1.2 million dollars a year on her dress outfits for 2012 and she can claim she represents American woman.  We love you, we care for you, look we have a virtual embassy for you, The hypocrisy of the USA and its clear policy has no limits on the level of wickedness it is willing to impose or the cost for the working men and women of America who will be the ones asked to ft the bill with their lives. 



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