As the date for next American Presidential election gets closer, the candidates are ramping up their efforts.
One of their must dos is to appear before AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
Although the so called Jewish vote in America is generally considered a given for the Democratic Party, this time around it might not be so.
There is a perception the Obama Administration has been soft on the nuke acquiring Islamists who are on record as wanting to “wipe Israel off the map.”
Right or wrong, this perception along with their numerous other horrendous attributes, have made the Islamist regime’s destabilizing 33 year murderous rule the top foreign policy agenda of the election.
Those who do not buy the contention that Islamists are reformable, or that their vast nuke program is for electricity and medicinal purposes and as the only solution to avoid the war the regime is egging on believe in the overthrow of the Islamists, “reformist” and all, do have a common cause with AIPAC.
In the most recent AIPAC gathering, the loudest applause and approval was given to the candidate who said “The only rational long-time policy is regime replacement.”
Of course the devil is in the detail. The best policy would be for the sane world to immediately impose airtight sanctions on oil/gas/Central Bank and begin vigorous maritime interdiction. And at the same time help the Iranian people with logistical needs to overthrow the Islamists, “reformist” and all.
Iran needs to be emancipated by the capable hands of her children, material help from outside, particularly from DC, Democracy Central, is a must.