Over 120 Hezbollah, Basij fighers killed in Syria, report

A Syrian officer who  defected from the army
and who is currently on a visit in  Abu Dhabi , United Arab e Emirates
revealed to Kuwaiti newspaper al Seyasseh that more than 120 Hezbollah
fighters and more than 40 members of the Basij militia  of the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard   were killed during clashes with the   the Free
Syrian Amy during the past three months.

The officer said that most of the clashes took place in the city of Homs and Damascus suburbs.

The officer added  that the bodies of Hezbollah and Basij fighters
were transferred in stages to Tehran on military  aircraft  of the
Syrian regime  in order to conceal the  involvement of Hezbollah  and
Iran  in the massacres against the Syrian people

The officer also revealed that tens of Hezbollah wounded and
disabled  fighters  are currently being treated at Syrian hospitals in
Damascus and northern  Syria.

The officer told the daily that the Free Syrian Amy has a list of the
Hezbollah and Basij  fighters   that were killed and wounded in Syria

The officer also told the paper that one of the Hezbollah fighters
that was killed last October is related to the wife of Hezbollah chief
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and another  fighter  is related to Hezbollah MP
Hussein Hajj Hassan. Their bodies were transported to Lebanon through
an illegal b… >>>

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