ICE COLD: American Travelers Get to Ski with Shahbanou Farah in Dizin (1978)

Billy Kidd and Suzy Chaffee ski at Dizin ski area in Iran with the Empress of Iran Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi 11 months before the Islamic Revolution and the establishment of Khomeiny’s Theocracy. From Dick Barrymore’s “The Golden Years of Ski Films”









Swiss & German TV Series But also American Often Aired On Iranian TV inn Pahlavi Iran back in the 1970’s encouraged Winter Sports amongst the growing Middle Class Iranians 

SKI BOY (Opening):

Ski Boy narrates the adventures of a youth working at a ski resort in Switzerland where he serves as a guide for skiers.

Belle & Sebastien

Adventure written by Cecile Aubry, concerned a small boy named Sebastien who befriends Belle a huge whitedog who roams the mountains near to where Sebastien and his family live. Thesmall village is set in the French Alps in the mountain village of Saint-Martin, near the Italian border.



Charlies Angels – Terror on Skis

French radicals threaten a presidential envoy named Carl Hansowrth and Sabrina is captured at a ski competition in Vail. Hansworth plans to give himself up in exchange for Sabrina’s release. (2 parts)

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