Reza Pahlavi Writes Open Letter To Obama.

As I Was Reading Reza Pahlavi’s Open Letter to Obama, I realized an immense injustice could happen if something is not done for the residents in camp Ashraf that the MeK leadership has treated like pawns and not made serious plans to relocate.  You can read Reza Pahlavi’s letter to Obama on his site, by following this link below.…

Personally I wish that he gets the political support necessary in replacing the IRI as soon as possible.  He has the public support necessary to replace the IRI and is capable of restoring peace, progress and human rights for Iranians. 

In my view these 3 goals are more important than all the other slogans combined, because they include freedom and justice within them and are achievable benefits Reza Pahlavi and his supporters can deliver today.

Javid Shah.


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