
Christmas Wish

Where is the Star of Bethlehem to guide us to the Prince of Peace, come out from the dark war clouds and fill us with

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My Christmas tree

My first Christmas ever was celebrated in the morning of a summer in Shiraz in the 70’s. Watching too much American movies on TV showing

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Fariba Amini

Something About Christmas

I have fond memories of Manouchehri Street in Tehran, where my school was located, in the heart of the Armenian section of Tehran. My school,

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Is it all for show?

But Israelis who took part in the Saban Forum in Washington earlier this month, where senior administration figures spoke, left worried about the extent of

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Kevin Sheppard

(CNN) — The United States and Iran cut diplomatic ties during the 1979 hostage crisis, and relations between the two countries today can only be

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سروش” غیب در بی بی سی”

در اخبار بی بی سی آمده است که حسین حاج فرج دباغ، ملقب به عبدالکریم سروش، در پی آزادی دامادش که در زندان بوده سکته

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