Frank Miller has been too busy writing lunatic blogs lately to have finished Xerxes, his graphic novel prequel to 300. The film version, developing in parallel, is coming together rather faster though, with Noam Murro attached to direct, and now here’s some casting news: Eva Green is in line for the title role in 300: The Battle Of Artemisia.
The story this time focuses on how Xerxes became the peculiar god-like entity presented in the first film. In reality, Artemisia I was Xerxes’ only female commander, and here, according to THR, she’s being presented as “a ruthless gold-covered goddess who persuades Xerxes to amass his army and helps lead them into battle”. So this one’s going to be as historically bang-on as the first. But then, we’re talking Miller, not Thucydides, so historical accuracy wasn’t ever the point.
The fighting in question this time is against the Greeks, led by Themistocles, and takes place concurrently with 300‘s Battle of Thermopylae. Green then, if she signs on, ought to be kicking ass centre-stage in the film, since Xerxes will be occupied elsewhere, with his rhinos. Artemisium was a naval battle, so the green-screen carnage should this time be ocean-going.
There was talk a month or so ago of Joel Edgerton being in line for Themistocles, but nothing’s been confirmed so … >>>