You may enjoy the many 3-D panoramic images that are now available online, in particular from various Iranian cities. Here are a couple of sources.
Virtual tour of Yazd and surrounding areas (Persian, ). A few pointers that you will surely notice, but in case this makes it quicker. You can rotate each image in all dimensions by click-hold-dragging the mouse (besides using the controls under the image), most useful for viewing ornate ceilings. Various images from each location marked on the map on the left. The selection on the right side of the page is a sampling from the more extensive choices at the bottom. A smaller set for Yazd at (Persian, English).
Alternatively, just search for your preferred location from the large collection at 360cities. Here are a few familiar but nice ones (click-hold-drag and ceilings):
Golestan Palace (1, 2, 3); Roudkhan castle; Vank cathedral; Massouleh; Chehel Sotoun (1, 2); Babak castle; Eram Garden; Naghshe Jahan square (1, 2); Imam/Shah mosque (1,2); Katalekhor cave.