
Confessions of a Mossad spy

Former spy Michael Ross was on Mossad’s very first pathfinding mission into Iran in 1993. As a combatant in the Israeli intelligence service, he knows

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Iran Assassinations Backfire

The suspected assassination of yet another scientist linked to Iran’s nuclear program is renewing questions over whether such attempts will slow enrichment efforts, or push

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U.S. Warns Israel on Strike

WASHINGTON—U.S. defense leaders are increasingly concerned that Israel is preparing to take military action against Iran, over U.S. objections, and have stepped up contingency planning

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U.S. Aid To Israel

Israel has received more direct aid from the United States since World War II than any other country… >>>

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Recognizing the “Unpeople”

 That comes as no surprise: Africans are “unpeople,” to adapt George Orwell’s term for those unfit to enter history.On March 12, the Arab League gained

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The Neocons Are At It Again

The same neocons who persuaded George W. Bush and crew to, in Ron Paul’s inimitable words, “lie their way into invading Iraq” in 2003, are

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