Iranians don’t want to think about another war.
Iranians don’t want to think about more body bags, coffins, and unrecognizable bone fragments of their children.
Iranians know that there is no such thing as a martyr in state- and greed-sponsored wars.
This is it folks.
Those Iranians who have made our lives ugly by repression, must go, and they will. The good people of Iran will see to it.
Those non-Iranians who have prolonged Iranian people’s misery by doing business with Iran’s oppressive rulers will not have a future with Iranian people. There will be ample time in the future to find out which states and businesses they were.
Those politicians who take away Iranian people’s hope of managing their own future will eventually be exposed and shamed, too.
Those who threaten Iranian people’s lives through talk of military attacks and wars are not liked and respected now, and will never have a good future with the people of Iran.
If Israel wants to remain a friend of Iranian people, she must stop talk of a war and making threats on the lives of Iranians whether directly or by proxy through US lobby groups.
If Israel, US, or any other country shoots one bullet to end even one Iranian life, they will never be forgiven by the peace- and life-loving people of Iran who are a lot smarter than some folks give them credit.
Stop threats of war or deal with the economic and political consequences when Iran is free and its own people can choose its partners.
Stop talking about Iranians as if they don’t exist, or that they have no will or capacity to control their own destiny, or that they have no means of achieving their own freedom. They do and they will. Stand back!
If you understand the word “Shalom,” either think of peaceful ways of helping Iranians, or leave them alone. Iranians know the meaning for sure and they won’t buy your “democracy through bombs.”